Blog-September 14th, 2016

How Rock Paper Scissors Could Save Our World

Could wars be avoided by a simple game of Rock, Paper, Scissors?

Proverbs 18:18 says: The lot puts an end to quarrels and decides between powerful contenders.

I have often wondered what it would be like to have an international dispute settled by a game or means such as casting lots in the Bible. What if, instead of shedding the blood of hundreds, thousands, or millions, countries were willing to settle a dispute by other means?

I suppose it’s a nice dream to believe that we could avoid the wars that have plagued society for generations by thinking differently. What if we let the lot put an end to the disagreement?

I think that this pipe dream of mine should give us perspective into our aggressive tendencies and how we think about personal, local, national, and international disagreements. Perhaps our issues are not as weighty as we want them to be. Perhaps our concerns are overblown and exaggerated in our own minds.  But we are talking about holistic life and people’s well-being, so not everything can be defined as trivial.

In the midst of our need to find harmony with those we share this life and planet, I think talking about casting lots can give us insight to building our reliance on God as the great Mediator and Redeemer. What if the world believed in the Divine providence of God, and that He watches and cares and wants for us to settle our differences with Him as the center? Why is it so hard to come to mutually agreed upon terms for solving disputes? Are we willing, in thinking through conflict resolution, to value human life and relationships over material possessions? Are we willing to accept the finality of a judgment that is out of our hands (that we believe comes from God)? As a result of that judgment, are we willing to change or at least examine the validity of our beliefs, policies, or systems when they might conflict with God’s means and righteousness? And, are we willing to try to live in peace with those we might have disagreements with, for the sake of God and His Gospel message?

Perhaps our world could find some good in talking about conflict resolution through the lens of casting lots. Dare to dream with my pipe dream. Amen.