The One Generation We Either Hope to Be a Part Of or Hope Not to Be a Part Of
Scripture talks a lot about generations, from genealogies to consequences passed down to renewed words of hope given to each new generation of people, Scripture reminds us that God intends for the faith to be a lasting community that transcends the ages. It is with much grace that God reminds us that He is actively working amongst His people from generation to generation. It is the blessing of knowing that God continues to be with us, even when we feel He has left us or that God’s people have purposely and egregiously transgressed His Law and need His corrective measures.
With all of the reminders of the importance of generations to our Heavenly Father, one reminder stands out to me: after preaching on the understanding that we are always one generation away from either total collapse or total revival, that reminder is that there will be one generation that gets to physically see the return of our Lord and Savior. Scripture is filled with the imagery of what it will be like when Jesus Christ returns in His glory, some crystal clear and others wrought with metaphorical and allegorical language that tells us we’ll just have to wait and see. But, what Scripture continues to preach about that glorious day of return is, that for those who are faithful and have been preparing, for those willing to make their confession according to their trust in the work of Jesus Christ, God will grant them a place amongst the Heavenly saints who are already praising our God on those distant shores.
Here is a rundown of what we as Lutherans believe about the return of Jesus:
(1) We believe that we are already in the “end times”
Scripture talks of markers that will signify the return of our Lord, from earthquakes, to famines, to wars, to celestial events. All of these things continue to happen, so we believe that trying to discern if one war vs. another, or great earthquake or series of earthquakes is counterproductive. Since the Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord, we have been in a period when, at any time, our Lord might return. All these signs are a reminder that it could happen today.
(2) The Day of Return will be like a “thief in the night”
Jesus says that many will be unprepared. It will come upon them at the moment they least expect it. That is why Scripture exhorts us to stay prepared, to keep asking for forgiveness, studying God’s Word, surrounding ourselves with Godly people lest we fall away from our confession, and doing the works of service that keep the passion alive within us to share of a God who is desiring that all people be saved when He returns.
(3) He will come like He left
I will admit, my thinking on this has changed. I’m used to seeing the imagery of medieval paintings of Jesus ascending into the skies with His hands out and a warm smile on His face, giving rise to the idea that He slowly just floated up into the clouds. With all of the powerful things that God has done, and with all of the powerful ways in which they were done, I don’t think He just floated up slowly till the disciples could no longer see Him. I envision a supernatural, mountain-shaking, ascension, something worthy of an all-powerful God. Scripture says that Jesus will return like He left. He will be announced with a trumpet call. If a trumpet were playing when Jesus ascended according to old-style paintings, it would be some weak, third-chair trumpet players rendition of Amazing Grace. Does that sound like the way the God of all creation will return? Not to me either. I envision a trumpet blast that will shake the foundations of the earth, not sound like Taps. And His return will echo that power, landing amongst us so that no one can question as to who He is. That display of power, I believe, is more in line with the imagery of the chariot of fire for Elijah, the parting of the Red Sea, and the pillar of fire that announced God was with His people in the desert. But, I guess we’ll see.
We could be that generation. Whether we are or not, we are a part of the generation that is called to be faithful, anticipating His return. Whether Jesus returns during our lifetime or not, we are called to act like He will. I look forward to His return, knowing that my salvation is assured for just such a time. I invite you to have that same outlook. Amen.
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